Sunday, May 2, 2010

Meditative Running

Experience meditation in action. Focus totally on the moment at hand and nothing else. Breathe and smile. Relax. Release. Take a moment to let go, and just be. Enjoy it.

Everything you do is wonderful.


Total Mileage: 15.46 (Clocked my half-marathon at 2:10:13)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Ich Habe Genug

Last night a few of us went out for a ride with the Seattle Gospel Mission’s Rescue Van. Basically, this van pulls into areas of the city where the homeless sleep to hand out hygiene supplies and food.

Last night, we had blanket, socks, underwear, hand warmers and beanies. We made 90 baked potatoes, including all the fixings. (Yes, even BACON BITS!) There were also sandwiches, chips, cupcakes, cookies. Water, hot chocolate, coffee. All the good stuff.

None of us had any idea what to expect, but I think it’s fair to say that we were all pleasantly surprised. The people were pleasant, grateful, congenial. Most of them didn’t seem to notice that they were down on their luck a bit. They didn’t act like we were a charity. They acted like...Well, like we were old friends that had just dropped by with dinner. They walked up with smiles on their faces and asked if we had any blankets. “Can I have a potato for my dad? He can’t get up right now.”

We handed out our goodies generously. We chatted with them. Asked how their days were going. The thing they seem to appreciate the most was when they had gathered too many things to carry and you offered to walk a blanket and a sandwich back to their “home” for them. They shook your hands and asked you to pray with them. They asked God to bless us for helping them. And the most amazing thing was to hear them pray. Almost every sentence began with “Bless those who are in greater need than us.”


I know these things always seem to affect me more than most. I'm a real bleeding heart for the human condition, the way so many people are about trees or kittens. But there’s something about people in need that I always relate to. I always think about how easily it could be me, if nobody had come to my rescue.

So, I go home and I get tears in my eyes just seeing my children nestled in their warm beds. I kiss them each and promise to always love them unconditionally and without expectations.

But something new struck me about this night, in particular: I was continuously impressed by how often I heard the words, "No, thanks. I already have one." Where nobody would have blamed them for being greedy, very few were.

I think I was primed for this realization because I have been bouncing a certain phrase around in my head for the last few weeks. Ich Habe Genug is German for I have enough. I’m not exactly sure where I saw it first, but from the moment I heard it, something struck home, probably because I find myself constantly fighting a losing battle against consumerism. As Americans, I think we are conditioned to always want more and to never be satisfied. While there are certain merits to that, consumerism is not one of them. We are world-renown for our wastefulness, and it’s something I see as a personal weakness of character. I know that I shouldn’t need the latest and greatest to feel good about myself, but somehow, I always find myself back in that Nordstrom check out line.

So the next time I notice that those red heels are incredibly lovely, skinny jeans are no longer the craze, or my bike brakes are a little squeaky? No. Ich Habe Genug. I have enough.

I do. Really, I do. Infact, I have MORE than enough.

Don't you?

Total Mileage: 6.54

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Big One

04/13/2010 Mileage: 5.1
04/16/2010 Mileage: 5.4
04/18/2010 Mileage: 23.4 !!!!

In a word: Boring!
In two words: Survived...barely!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Trail Running

Yesterday morning, trail running suddenly struck me as a good idea. Running 10 miles around the same neighborhood is starting to get a little drool. And when you realize just how far your legs can really carry you, there is a sudden overwhelming feeling to actually run TO somewhere. I plan to do a lot more of those, so stay tuned for me kicking up dust in places like Tiger Mountain and the Green River Trail.

And if, perchance, you know of any good trails, please let me know! I will reach my sixth year of Washington residency in May, yet I still feel like I know very little about things to do around here. I've been busy, you see.


Total Mileage: 10

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Let the Games Begin!

Well, I was so nervous that I broke out into cold sweats, my heart was pounding out of my ears, and I had to hold on to the edge of the desk for support. But I finally did it.

I signed up for the Seattle Rock & Roll Marathon!

Not the half marathon. The whole thing! I'm doing it. It's official. I'm running my first marathon. This is the year!

Whew! I feel like celebrating! :)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Back in the Grove

Total Mileage: 7.27

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Last week, I visited Lynchburg, Virginia where I spent 10 of my most impressionable childhood years (from 8 to 18). Despite its many downfalls, Lynchburg always serves to remind me not only of where I came from, but also of where I intend on going. Couple that with the presence of my lifelong best friend, and the week proved to be quite therapeutic for me. I think I will be making some big life decisions soon, but more on that later.

One of the things I enjoyed the most about this trip was waking up early one morning to go on a 6-mile jaunt with two of the best allies I boasted during my terrifying teenage years. I think Rachel put it the best when she remarked (somewhere around mile 5), "I bet we never would have thought that we'd be out for a run together, just for fun." There was more truth to that statement than Rachel could have intended. We WERE running just for fun! Just for camaraderie. And we weren't killing ourselves, rather, we were enjoying ourselves! I had never thought of running as a team activity, until that moment.

That run, in addition to 2 others, makes for a 14-mile week. Not bad for a vacation!

03/17/2010 Mileage: 3.5
03/19/2010 Mileage: 5.0
03/20/2010 Mileage: 6.2

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Fun Run

Last week, I was talking to “Team Captain” Tana who pointed out that I was vastly overtraining for a half-marathon that’s still 3 months away. She suggested that I either slow my roll or entertain an idea that I had always considered both ridiculous and impossible: Run the WHOLE marathon.

I decided to at least give the training schedule a shot, so we printed one out that seemed somewhat feasible. 4 to 5 mile runs through the week, and one big run each weekend. So yesterday, I did something I have never done before: I ran 12 miles. Yup! Just for fun!

You know, it’s kind of frightening how often those two words are starting to appear together in my dialogue: Run and Fun.

And to think that about a month ago, I was barely puttering my way through my 3-mile runs on the All-Star Fitness treadmill. I am completely transformed!

Total Mileage: 11.95

Friday, March 12, 2010

Check this out!

Do Running Shoes Make Us Run the Risk of Injury?

According to this article, my four inch heels are less dangerous than my running shoes! Who is this good news for? EVERYBODY!!

"To put things in perspective, walking in high heels -- long considered a joint-busting exercise -- increases knee joint torques (a pressure measurement) by no more than 26%, while the effect of running shoes on knee joint torques while running leads to up to a 38% increase, the researchers say."

Total Mileage: 1.67

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Keep Moving Forward

If you are in any way a runner, I truly hope that reading about my shenanigans inspires you to keep moving forward. More than that, I hope that it inspires you to test your bodies in ways that you might not have otherwise.

I am continuously amazed that regardless of what ridiculous scheme I dream up, my body always rises to the occasion and out-performs even my highest expectations. I think that we were created or evolved (to each their own) with such intricate precision, that we have yet to realize just how limitless we really are. Nobody can explain how when humans receive a charge of adrenaline they can lift cars with their bare hands, run for days on end, or survive blizzards in the wilderness with no food or water. Yet we hear these stories of amazing human feats all the time. Compared to those super-humans, I am a small fry, and yet I am constantly astounded at how much I am capable of.

So, on that notion, by all means, test your limits. Push yourself further than you think you can go. And if you are interested in barefoot running, in particular, or why I personally think its so fantastic, do some research! What you find may startle you. And it may change the way you run. Or it may not. Barefooting is a personal choice that I feel suits my lifestyle very well, but I don't mean to suggest that it is for everyone, or that there is no other way to run. We all have to stay true to ourselves. And I am a huge proponent of doing what feels right, not just what you’re told.

For those that know me, this whole endeavor probably comes at no surprise. I tend to jump into things without hesitation. And when I caught this notion, well, it was no exception. But the biggest change it has made for me is that I pay close attention to my running form in bare feet, and I attempt to mimic that form when my shoes are on. I am also slowly strengthening my feet so that I can, eventually, run completely barefooted. But about 80% of my running is still done with my shoes ON.

So, I'm definitely not suggesting that you do something quite this rash! I regret it myself on those mornings I can barely limp to the kitchen. It’s just that the Marine Corps brainwashed me into thinking that I am completely indestructible, and I continue to operate my life as such. Whether that’s a good way to live or not... Well, that's still debatable. ☺

Yesterday’s Mileage: 5.38
Today’s Mileage: 6.30

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

"The Best Runners Leave No Tracks"

Ran 4 miles with DarStarr last night. I didn’t get to run today, though, because my entire family has contracted some type of stomach-virus, and they are treating it like a relay race, each one taking a turn. Since it’s Brandon’s turn to relay the disease tonight, I had no choice but to take a break from marathoning and instead indulge a novel concept: parenting.

So my plan is to sleep in my running clothes, in the hopes that at some point during the night, I inadvertently wander outside and begin running. Or that I just force myself to do it in the morning. Whichever.

In other news, I was on the train this morning reading Born To Run, when I finally arrived at the part about why shoes suck. Did you know that “runners wearing top-of-the-line shoes are 123 percent more likely to get injured than runners in cheap shoes”? (Page 171) Why? Because your feet naturally land harder when they sense an unstable surface. Unstable? You mean like the 4 inches of padding in my Nike Shox? Yea, probably. For the same reason you walk so funny in a Bounce House (I know you’ve been in one of those lately), your body tries to stabilize it’s landing by pushing through your shoes and seeking the hard ground beneath. So those cushy shoes that make you feel like you’re running on clouds? They actually cause more impact!

My reaction to this revelation? Anger! And not at Nike, either. (Though they certainly deserve it!) I was mad at myself. I have been running completely pain free my entire life. I have never felt that aching in my back or my knees every runner talks about. Well, not until this year, that is. And when I voiced my new sense of pain to my peers, they all had the same response: “Ah, you’re just getting old.” Or my personal favorite, “Oh, so you’re not invincible after all!”

I feel like I should have immediately recognized the culprit: For the first time in my life, I am actually wearing nice running shoes! All those pain-free years, I was running in Converse or combat boots. How could I overlook that simple change? But I guess I understand how it happened. Why would I ever suspect that my fancy new shoes were actually causing the pain? Regardless, I just hate finding out that I’ve bought into hype!

There is another side of the coin, though. I am very relieved that I am, in fact, quite close to invincible after all!

Total Mileage: 4.27

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Another 5 miles today! I thought I would try something I hadn't done in a while, and actually wear my...dun dun! But I focused on keeping my back straight and my strides short and I managed to remain pain free. Another benefit? No blood on my socks! Ya-hooo!

It’s actually becoming quite (dare I say?) Easy! You know what that means? 6 miles tomorrow! 7 on Monday! :)

Total Mileage: 5.38

Friday, March 5, 2010

You are beautiful, Liberty 5-3000.

In another attempt to make my running even more invigorating, I thought I would try listening to an audiobook. My hope was that I would get lost in the story and accidentally run for 6 hours.

I started with Ayn Rand’s Anthem. A book that has been one of my favorites for over a decade, and probably the first book I ever used the phrase “It changed my life” about. I found a very well narrated version on Itunes, and even the background music is so cheesy that it kind of works. And while I didn’t run for 6 hours, I did run a very comfortable 5 miles.

I also tried out another brilliant idea: Socks. Okay, not quite AS brilliant on this one. It started out really well. I felt kind of barefooted but without inflicting so much damage. But by the end, the socks were rather holey, and my feet were rather blistered. So, maybe good for a few miles, but past that: I guess I’ll just wear my (damned) shoes until my feet heal!

Total Mileage: 5.62

Thursday, March 4, 2010


This morning, I woke up at 5:30, limped to the bathroom to bandage up my many foot injuries and ran about 4 miles (including the famous hill-of-terror you hear so much about). I decided to wear the thinnest sandals I could find, in an effort to keep the barefooting form, but also protect my feet. Of course they ended up as a bloody mess, anyway, but at least, I didn’t do any more damage.

And guess what? Despite how utterly destroyed my body was yesterday, neither my knees nor my back protested even once! I think we’re on to something here. No joke.

Of course I am hobbling around like an invalid, now, but that is NOT the point!

Total Mileage: 4.2

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I realized that my knees didn’t start hurting until mile 4 yesterday, 2 miles later than usual. Almost as if the first two barefooted miles didn’t count! Hm….

Even so, I am a complete wreck today. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. Despite the usual knee and back ailments, I have no less than 6 small blisters all of my little toes. And as I was limping to the train, a whole new pain cropped up: A stabbing pain in my back. Hooray! Is this the “Sense of Accomplishment” I hear so much about?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I'm Going To Have To Start Buying Bandaids At Costco

Ran 2 miles completely barefooted. It was really FUN!! And enlightening.

Then I put my shoes on, and ran about 6 and a half more miles. Definitely the longest run in my recent history. I don’t know what came over me, I just couldn’t stop! I even felt like I could have kept going, but I knew at least three individuals were going to be moderate-to-severly upset that I had already been gone for over an hour.

However, in the future, I will be sure to do the whole barefoot thing AFTER the whole shoe thing. Because now my very sexy dri-fit socks and my 100-dollar running shoes are completely soaked with blood…. Oops.

Total mileage: 8.67

Sunday, February 28, 2010


Did my typical four-miler tonight. And with the typical repercussions: my knees and my back are killing me. But then in a sudden burst of passion, I threw my shoes to the side and jogged another half a mile. Just for a minute. Just to see how it feels.

And the answer? AMAZING! Running without your shoes is a completely different sensation. It doesn’t feel so serious. It doesn’t feel like exercise, even. It feels like you’re a little kid. Like you’re playing a game of chase. Like you’re just messing around. I felt light and airy, and quite silly.

I can no longer imagine running any other way.

Total Mileage: 4.55

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Excess Baggage

Thanks to Christopher McDougall's Born to Run, there is quite a new buzz surrounding the notion of barefoot running. It's true! Seemingly normal people are kicking off their fancy trainers and going for a jog in their bare feet! This is fantastic news for people like me who have always taken great pleasure in feeling the grass between their toes.

The EVEN BETTER news is that without all those springs and foam attached to our feet, the impact of running is actually much less. So now you’re telling me that not only do I get to be barefooted without the stares and the weird faces, but I’m also less likely to hurt myself? Well, say no more! I am in!

Friday, February 26, 2010

The Beginning

I’m 28. I’m a girl. I’m a little on the tall side, a little on the skinny side. I’m a mother of two. I am an accountant. I am also a Buddhist, in that, I believe it’s what’s on the inside that counts.

For the last year, I’ve spent almost every day trying to recover my pre-baby bod. Turns out, some things are easier said than done. And sure, I’ve come close. I mean, the homeless people of Seattle are big fans of me. On Monday, a guy at the homeless shelter even touched my arm. He did! I know! I’m kind of a big deal.

On certain days, I even merit a “Wow, you look great (for having two kids)” here and there. But is that REALLY a compliment, anyway? Regardless, compared to most people, I would say I’m in pretty good shape.

But the only hitch there is… I’m not comparing myself to most people. I’m comparing myself to my personal hero: 18-year-old Shamema. What happened to her? She lived off Doritos, Double-stuffed Oreos, Mt Dew, Biggie Sweet Teas, and french fries…. AND she also sported a six-pack that should have been in an 8x10 glossy. When I was 17, my best friend, Amanda “the Force” Forcey, and I ran in the Lynchburg 10 Miler. Without one day of training. And I’m willing to bet that I went to McDonalds and ate two cheeseburgers and a large order of french fries (extra salt, please) right afterwards. And then I probably did 1,000 sit-ups, guzzled a gallon of Mt Dew, and conquered the world before dinner time.

Shortly thereafter, I joined the Marine Corps. 18-Year-Old Shamema maintained her physique there, too. Eight beers tonight? Sure, no problem. And an 8 mile run as soon as the sun comes up? Sure, no problem.

So, why can’t this 28-year-old Shamema who eats nothing but carrots and spinach, walks everywhere, and spends at least an hour a day hitting either the weights or the pavement look like some semblance of that Shamema? Well, there in lies the dilemma. And also, my two goals for this year:

1) Run a marathon.


2) Look like a swimsuit model.